Interplait for singing bowl, voice, and electronics. Composed by Kristian Twombly and performed by Stacey Mastrian at MOXSonic 2020 at the University of Cent...

Performed by Stacey Mastrian at MOXSonic 2020 at the University of Central Missouri.


The circular and obsessive thoughts that accompany anxiety can be calmed by clearing one’s mind, through meditation or by focusing one’s attention on an unrelated task. Interplait (2019) makes use of sonic materials such as improvised voice sounds and a singing bowl as a type of sonic meditation. The shimmering sounds of the bowl are enhanced by the voice, and the movement of this destructive interference is mimicked as the vocal gestures move in space. 

 A recomposing of a starkly minimal work created in 2017, Interplait features intimate voices woven together with the sounds of a metal singing bowl. The timbre of the voices merge with that of the bowl as they travel through space, creating a meditative effect.

Note: Performance materials are available upon request. Interplait may also be performed as a fixed electroacoustic piece.