Day 5Kristian Twombly - Lateral T Waves Now InvertedCheck out Kristian!Website: Days of Graphic Scores:

Performed by Robin Meiksins as part of her “100 Days of New Music” project.

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Lateral T Waves Now Inverted

Lateral T Waves Now Inverted was written in response to a call for works that Robin Meiksins posted on Facebook. Much like Robert Rauschenberg’s Erased de Koonig, I took a precomposed work for solo flute and filtered it through the posted call for works. What remains is fragmented and pointillistic, which mirrors an arrythmia that the composer suffered from during the composition of the piece. The title is taken from the doctor’s report after a recent test. As both Robin and I faced significant health concerns at this time, I thought that the title had a special kind of resonance